Monday, January 23, 2012

Supreme Court of the United States - Docket No. 11-887

The case of:

Marvin Pirila, et al.

                              v.                                           No. 11--887

Thomson Township, et al.

is now on docket at the Supreme Court of the United States at .......

All amicus curaie briefs are now due within 30 days.  If you are behind individual rights, the limited powers of government, and just plain decency, please file your briefs now.

1 comment:

  1. The U.S. Supreme Court like the Minnesota Supreme Court has the discretion to pick whatever cases they choose. It doesn't matter if there was a constitutional or legal issue that deserves review. They claim they just don't have time to review every case, regardless of it's issues, so they simply discard what they want. Needless to say, our case, after hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, was simply discarded from further review. Injustice continues to roll in the the U.S.!
